Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cervical Erosion Get Pregnant Can I Get Pregnant??????

Can i get pregnant?????? - cervical erosion get pregnant

I had bleeding between periods, the treatment of cervical erosion, this year clarified that, but last month still bleeding 14 days after your period and spent a lot of blood clots, which never During my time. GP after I bite my neck and stomach with a look that told me it was hormonal. when the hormones make me bleed between periods, this will affect my chances of conceiving? my doctor said was, "good luck" (shes a bit shit)
PS Even if someone knows how to diagnose hormonal bleeding?


shollia said...

The only way to know whether they participate in the blood test.
Also have very irregular bleeding (bleeding for 3 consecutive months) ... and had some blood work done. It turned out that my insulin levels rose in the thyroid and cause my hormones all out of control.
Go seek another doctor if you do not do now what they should.

monalisa three said...

I think they need or can seek a second opinion from another doctor and to follow the guidelines for AMI pregnant or may become pregnant, but it needs proper care and guidance of a day like UR evaluation by a scanner are detected and then you will u date or you can race, or even opt for IUI enemy of my friend had the same problem, and she has 2 children with the help of IUI, so do not worry, be patient and God will sort a day . Lucky that it is difficult but not impossible, good

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